
Greener Grass

Have you ever felt like something was wrong with you? 

You look at others and just count the ways you don’t measure up to some invisible standard.  

In this culture of comparison we are always being told that we are not enough.  We have been duped.  We have have been trained by this world that there is something not right about who we are.  We are sold this lie that the grass will be greener if we buy this product, look this way or live this lifestyle.  We have been conditioned to constantly compare ourselves this perfect woman that all the girls want to be and all the boys want to date.  And we always come up short.      

If I was just skinnier…

If I had these clothes to wear…

If only I acted more like this…

I am too much.

I am not enough.   

And the enemy takes all of our insecurities and comparisons and runs wild with them.  He plants lies about our worth, makes us doubt who we are and encourages us to seek after affirmation from the world by whatever means necessary.  He is the father of lies and will say anything to get you to strive after anything other than God.   

Here’s the kicker though… if we continue to use this world as a measurement for ourselves we will ALWAYS fail.  There will always be someone smarter, someone prettier or with more qualifications.  We will always believe the lie that the grass is greener on the other side and there will always be an infinite series of other sides.  

I am sick of letting magazines and commercials and romantic comedies dictate to me who I am and what I should be.  There is only one who tells me who I am and that is the Father.  And you know what He says?  

I am a daughter of the most High King. 

I am MORE than enough. 

I am known and adored.  

I am created in his image by his loving hands.  

The world is never going to stop selling us this lie that we are not enough, but that doesn’t mean we have to buy it.  Lets stop listening to the lies the world tells us and start choosing to believe the Truth that the Lord continuously tells us.   

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